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LimeSurvey is a web software for conducting online surveys. The RRZK operates its own LimeSurvey server on campus(independent of and similar cloud services):


LimeSurvey server

Registration takes place exclusively via the student or staff account. A separate activation is not required.

For general and further information on the use of LimeSurvey please refer to the official manual:


Collaborative work

Collaborative work in LimeSurvey takes place on survey level, i.e. in addition to the creator and owner, further persons with fine-grained rights can be added to an existing survey. The central element for this are the survey permissions in the survey settings.


Theprerequisite for this is that the survey owner and all other persons to be authorized are members of a previously created common user group.

Requirements, session timeout, survey design

LimeSurvey has no special requirements and is basically compatible with all common and at least halfway current browsers in default settings. In particular, (session) cookies must be accepted and JavaScript must be enabled.


The session timeout, i.e. the time after which the server terminates the session if the user or survey participant is inactive, is currently 24 minutes. We are trying to increase the value, but have to consider the stability of the overall system. Session data can quickly reach critical sizes in LimeSurvey, depending on the size of the survey and the number of participants.

It is recommended to design extensive surveys in such a way

  • that they are divided into several sub-surveys, if necessary.
  • that they can be saved and continued if possible.
  • that incomplete data records are also saved if necessary.
  • that individual pages do not contain too many questions.
  • that larger survey projects are coordinated with us in advance.



If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk