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Several software products can be purchased by employees and students of the University of Cologne at particularly favorable conditions via the University's Online Software-Shop.

On our websites, you can find information about the software products and terms of licenses as well as tips for purchasers and for the use of the Software-Shop.

If you have further questions concerning software licenses or the Software-Shop, please use our contact form.

Current information


Citavi: License renewal for another year

The license renewal is complete. Students can already extend their licenses free of charge. We are currently updating the products in the software store so that the products are available for renewal as soon as possible.



UPDATE: SPSS: Delivery bottleneck - currently no single user licenses are available for purchase.

UPDATE: The licenses are available again.

When trying to purchase SPSS single-user licenses, you currently receive the message "This item is currently not available". We have reordered additional licenses and will make them available in the store as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.


SPSS: Neue Lizenzperiode ab dem 01.10.2024

UPDATE: Die Lizenzen für das nächste Lizenzjahr stehen ab sofort im Softwareshop zur Verfügung. 

Bitte beachten Sie, dass alte Lizenzen nicht automatisch verlängert werden. Sie müssen in jedem Fall die benötigten Lizenzen neu im Softwareshop erwerben.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld.


Citavi: Lizenzverlängerung für ein weiteres Jahr *UPDATE*

Die Lizenzverlängerung ist abgeschlossen. Lizenzen können über die bekannten Weg für ein weiteres Jahr verlängert werden.


Orders in the software store possible again

We have been able to rectify the faults in the software store. It is now possible to purchase products from the university's range again. The extended range of products is not yet available again. We will gradually bring this back online.



Endnote: Version 21 is available

Licenses for Endnote 21 are now available in our software store. For licenses purchased in the current license period, you can find Endnote 21 free of charge under "My Orders" in the software store in the initial order.



thinkcell: new license keys available for the upcoming license period

The license keys for the new license period are now available in the software store.



Sophos Securitysoftware switchover

In the summer of 2023, the transition to newer versions of Sophos's antivirus scanner took place. The previous Sophos Endpoint Protection program was only supported until July 20, 2023. If you are still using this old software, please switch to a successor product as soon as possible:


For more information about Sophos Intercept X, see the Sophos Central description.

Citavi Campus license renewal completed

License renewal has been completed and is now available to eligible members of the university. For more information, see Citavi Campus License


NEW: Use Citavi platform-independently with Citavi Web

Literature management is now platform-independent with Citavi Web in the browser. In addition to the familiar Windows version of Citavi, students and employees of the university can now use Citavi Web. Registration can be done as usual with existing or new Citavi university accounts. Further information can be found on our Citavi information page.


Hinweis zu Oracle Java

Oracle hat die Lizenzbestimmungen für Oracle Java geändert: Die Nutzung von Oracle Java SE (JDK und JRE) ist seit dem Update Release 211 für Java 8 auch für Hochschulen kostenpflichtig. Die Installation dieses Updates führt laut den dabei zu akzeptierenden Lizenzbedingungen automatisch in die Kostenpflicht. Auch alle höheren Versionen (Java SE 11 und Folgende) sind an Hochschulen nicht mehr kostenfrei nutzbar.

Weitere Informationen zur Lizenzierung von Oracle Java

Office 365 Pro Plus for students (including Windows 10 upgrade)

From now on, all students of the University of Cologne can use Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus for 4,99 Euro per year. The download allows for local installations on up to 5 devices as well as Office Mobile on another 5 mobile devices. Cloud services are not included.

The software cannot be used after the exmatriculation.

Further information about Office 365 Pro Plus for students.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk