Anne Matthies
Non-equilibrium dynamics and quantum computing
University of Cologne, 2023
Jason Marcel Müller
Resolving the mRNA Life Cycle across Cell Compartments Institute for Medical Statistics and Computational Biology
University of Cologne, Dec. 2023
Cong Jiang
A Model for Continental-Scale Water Erosion and Sediment Transport and Its Application to the Yellow River Basin
University of Cologne, Sep. 2023
Niklas Peter Kleinenkuhnen
Multi-omics analysis of the ageing liver Institute for Medical Statistics and Computational Biology
University of Cologne, Aug. 2023
Lucas Wickemeyer
Synthese und Reaktivitätsstudien aryl- und oxoverbrückter Lewis-Paare
University of Bielefeld, Jan. 2023
Niklas Aders
Hydroaluminierung von Polyalkinyl-Anthracenverbindungen: Synthese und Reaktivität bi- und tetra-funktioneller Lewis-Säuren
University of Bielefeld, Dec. 2022
Nina del Ser
The Turn of the Screw and the Slide of the Skyrmion
University of Cologne, 2022
Knepper, Jascha Knepper
Adaptive Coarse Spaces for the Overlapping Schwarz Method and Multiscale Elliptic Problems
PhD, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Division of Mathematics, University of Cologne, Oct. 2022
Paschmann, Jens Wilhelm
Essays on Digital Customer Engagement with New Technologies
PhD, Chair of Marketing and Brand Management, University of Cologne, July 2022
Kiese, Dominik
Effective field theories for strongly correlated fermions: Insights from the functional renormalization group
PhD, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, June 2022
Baar, Till
Regression Models for High-Dimensional, Biological Data
PhD, Institut für Medizinische Statistik und Bioinformatik (IMSB), Medizinische Fakultät, Universität zu Köln, Juni 2022
Attig, Jan
Electronic Spectra: Topology, Supersymmetry, and Statitics
PhD, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, March 2022
Christian Becker
Mono- und bifunktionelle Triorganylborane als Bestandteil Frustrierter Lewis-Paare. Synthese und Reaktivitätsstudien
University of Bielefeld, Feb. 2022
Bauer, Carsten
Simulating and machine learning quantum criticality in a nearly antiferromagnetic metal
PhD, University of Cologne, November 2020
Eschmann, Tim
Thermodynamics of Kitaev Spin Liquids
PhD, University of Cologne, June 2020
Mörbe, Wiebke
Deep controlled source electromagnetics for mineral exploration: a multi-dimensional validation study in time and frequency domain
PhD, University of Cologne, February 2020
Lasse Büßen, Finn
A Functional Renormalization Group Perspective on Quantum Spin Liquids in Three-Dimensional Frustrated Magnets
PhD, University of Cologne, August 2019
Kevin O'Brien, Kevin
Three-dimensional Kitaev spin liquids
PhD, University of Cologne, May 2019
Bröcker, Peter
Disentangling and machine learning the many-fermion problem
PhD, University of Cologne, April 2018
Muttaqien, Imamal
Controlled Source Radiomagnetotelluric Method Applications in Near Surface Geophysics
PhD, University of Cologne, April 2018
Gerlach, Max
Quantum Monte Carlo studies of a metallic spin-density wave transition
PhD, University of Cologne, January 2017
Haroon, Amir
Development of Novel Time-Domain Electromagnetic Methods for Offshore Groundwater Studies: A Data Application from Bat Yam, Israel
PhD, University of Cologne, December 2016
Helmes, Johannes
An entanglement perspective on phase transitions, conventional and topological order
PhD, University of Cologne, December 2016
Alexander Heinlein
Parallel Overlapping Schwarz Preconditioners and Multiscale Discretizations with Applications to Fluid-Structure Interaction and Highly Heterogeneous Problems
PhD, University of Cologne, June 2016
Eröss, Rudolf
Very Low Frequency Measurements carried out with an Unmanned Aircraft System
PhD, University of Cologne, August 2015
Lippert, Klaus
Detektion eines submarinen Aquifers vor der Küste Israels mittels mariner Long Offset Transient-elektromagnetischer Messung
PhD, University of Cologne, June 2015
Becker, Michael
Defects in strongly correlated and spin-orbit entangled quantum matter
PhD, University of Cologne, November 2014
Yogeshwar, Pritam
A resistivity-depth model of the central Azraq basin area, Jordan: 2D forward and inverse modeling of time domain electromagnetic data
PhD, University of Cologne, June 2014
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