Research Data Management - C³RDM

Research data management refers to the handling of data resulting from a scientific project, e. g. through source research, experiments, measurements, surveys or interviews over the entire data life cycle. This ranges from the collection, evaluation, (further) processing to archiving and, if possible, publication and reuse of the same.
Sustainable research data management requires new processes and competencies in research and teaching. The Cologne Competence Center for Research Data Management (C3RDM) bundles the expertise on campus and offers numerous information services in order to provide scientists at the University of Cologne with comprehensive support in research data management.
The Cologne Competence Center for Research Data Management (C3RDM), in which the three institutions USB, RRZK and Department 7 Research Management are involved, will provide comprehensive support and advice on research data management in all phases of a research project: from the development of a data management plan within the context of a proposal application to support in the search for suitable discipline-specific repositories, the technical storage possibilities and the publication of your research data.
For more information see the home page of C³RDM
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