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Editorial information for web projects

Website design

There is a uniform design for setting up websites of the University of Cologne. Please bear this in mind when creating a website.

More: Technical advice for creating a website

Consideration of accessibility

Websites of public institutions should be accessible for people with disabilities, please keep that in mind.

More: Easy for everyone: Implementation of accessibility

Establishing links

You should send an e-mail to the respective person in charge of the web at your faculty if the front page of an institut is finished or the homepage's URL has changed. There will be set up a link to the institut's website on the corresponding faculty website. Besides, please send an e-mail to the webmaster, so he/she can put the institution in an alphabetic list of all university institutions. Please also, this is required for the English faculty  website.


Deactivation of old web appearances

Please delete prior websites after a new web project or the TYPO3 installation went online. It will substitute previous websites on the uni main server ( or on other servers. If you want to prevent old websites from being deleted, please exclude them from the search function. In this way it is avoided, that other users are redirected to the old website. You can exclude websites from the search function via robots.txt or Meta-Tags.

Urheberrechtsverletzungen - Rechtstipps für das Publizieren im Web

Jedes Jahr muss die Universität mehrere tausend Euro wegen Verstößen gegen das Urheberrecht zahlen, insbesondere wegen nicht genehmigter Kopien von Lageplanausschnitten.

Mehr unter: Rechtstipps für das Publizieren im Internet über die zentralen Server der Uni Köln

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk