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Opening the firewall for network services

Every institute is protected by their own firewall rules. If external access is required, for example to provide a service, the network administrators can request opening the firewall for this service. Please provide the following information:

  • The name of the service
  • The protocol required (TCP or UDP)
  • Source (institute, our wireless network, VPN, entire UKLAN, entire internet or a specific subnet)
  • Destination (computer in the institute or entire institute network) including the port number.

For certain services, you will need to contact the RRZK as these require firewall settings to be changed. These include:

  • AFS
  • Citrix for the university library
  • Active Directory (rrzk/wiso/jura)
  • VPN to other universities

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk