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eduroam Wi-Fi access in Linux

Please use the our WLAN-Portal to configure eduroam Wi-Fi in Linux.

Please note that the downloaded file is script, which needs to be executed in the terminal.

If you are not familiar with the terminal, the following steps might help you.

Use of the installation script

  1. Download the installation script via the wifi portal, linked above.
  2. Start a terminal on your device
  3. Use the cd command to navigate to the folder, the script has been downloaded to. Normally it is the download folder, it might be another folder if you changed the default settings.
  4. Run the script by using the command sh
  5. The script will ask for the credentials of your student or employee account.
  6. Upon completing the process, your device should automatically connect to eduroam.

If you have problems, please consider the general requirements for the use of the wifi network in the university.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk