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RRZK Helpdesk Mac support

The Mac support team can help students and employees of the University of Cologne with any questions on using or fixing Apple Products. We cannot repair hardware, but we are happy to recommend reliable Apple Service Providers. We can also help you with buying advice on Apple products, however we do not sell Apple products directly.

We may be able to help you with general questions on software from third-party providers. However, if you have a more complex issue, please contact technical support at the software company or your department's IT team.

Important: For all enquiries, please make sure that you provide the version number of your installation. Click on the Apple symbol at the top left corner of the screen and choose "About this Mac" to find this number.

Anleitungen des Mac-Supports

Hier finden Sie Links zu unseren Anleitungen für Mac, iPhone und iPad:

  • Einrichtung von eduroam auf dem Mac und dem iPhone
  • Einrichtung von VPN auf dem Mac und dem iPhone
  • Einrichtung des universitären E-Mail-Accounts in Apple Mail und auf dem iPhone
  • Kalendersynchronisation zwischen Webmail und iOS


The Mac user group of the University of Cologne

The Mac user group is a community of Mac users at the University of Cologne established for users to share experiences and creative ideas.

The group is organized via an e-mail mailing list of the university. If you are interested, you can subscribe to the mailing list.

Subscribe for the Mac User Group mailing list

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk