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User Account for the RRZK

If you already have an account, you can review information, such as its expiration date, about the existing account in uniKIM. Log in to uniKim with the user name of your employee, student or other account and your password.

You can find further information about uniKIM on our website.

Which account is right for you?

Account Available to: Duration Access rights how to apply
Student account

For all UoC students Guest students Erasmus students Doctoral candidates

Up to de-registration Accounts for all RRZK services, KLIPS, ILIAS

Generated automatically on enrolment. Exception: doctoral candidates who are not enrolled (see Student Application and Registration Office)

Employee account All UoC employees Until contract end Accounts for all RRZK services, KLIPS, ILIAS Generated automatically
Guest-Account Long-term guests of UoC 1 Year Internal services at UoC (e-mail, ILIAS, KLIPS) RRZK Helpdesk
HPC account Employees of UoC involved in university or third-party funded research projects Maximum 1 year. Terminates automatically if not extended. HPC HPC department
WLAN account Guests at university events 4 weeks Wi-Fi (max. 2 users) uniKIM
Conference account Conference participants Duration of the conference WLAN (for more than two users) RRZK Helpdesk
Course account Participants in RRZK courses Duration of the course AD domain (for logging on to PCs in course rooms), ILIAS RRZK Helpdesk

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk