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This feature allows you to grant acces rights for one or multiple of your IMAP folders to other users.


Follow the link "IMAP-ACL" in the mail portal or access the website directly: Login Mailbox ACL Maintenance. Then log in with your account.

In the first step you have to select the mailbox folder that you want to share with other users; confirm your selection with "Postfach auswählen" (Because this site lacks an english translation the names of buttons or headings will be kept in German.)

New mailbox folders can not be created here: If you want to create a new mailbox folder, you have to create a new folder in Webmail. Once that is done, the new folder will also appear in IMAP-ACL.

In "Pflege der Zugriffskontrolllisten (ACLs) von Postfächern" „Mitglieder“ (members => displayed as account names) are displayed in the left column. New members can be inserted by writing the account name in the text field (only one account name can be entered per line).

In the middle column you can view and edit the „Zugriffsrechte“ (=members' rights) to the selected mailbox.

In the right-hand column ("ACL Makros") you can assign standard rights by template with the "Lesen" (=Read) and "Schreiben" (=Write) buttons, which are automatically entered in the middle column. The tab "Keine" (=None) removes all checkmarks.

To give users the same rights to all subfolders of a respective mailbox, activate the checkbox "Auf alle Unterordner anwenden“ (=Apply to all subfolders). If the configuration shall be applied to a whole folder structure, this must be configured for the "highest" superordinate folder.

The entries are saved with "ACL Sichern“ (=Save ACL). Note: All members without access rights are removed from the list.

If you have not yet saved the settings, the original access rights can be restored with „Formular zurücksetzen“ (=Reset form). The tab „Anderes Postfach auswählen“ (=Select other mailbox) takes you back to the mailbox selection.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk