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You can access the Open Ticket Request System (OTRS) at

For external access, please use a VPN tunnel.

OTRS can be reached within the UKLAN at this URL:

General information

With the Open Ticket Request System (OTRS), the Regional Computing Center of the University of Cologne offers a trouble ticket system that supports employees in processing customer inquiries. It is an open source web application that can be used with any modern browser.

Customers typically send inquiries by e-mail to a central service e-mail address. For new requests, OTRS creates a ticket, assigns it a unique processing number and records all processing steps of the employees (agents) and follow-up questions from the user as so-called articles.

OTRS places requests in the corresponding OTRS queue based on the destination address. Each agent is assigned one or more queues for processing.

A ticket always has a defined processing status. The three most important status attributes are "open", "closed" and "locked". When an agent starts processing a ticket, it is temporarily locked. This prevents two people from working on a ticket at the same time.

OTRS Guide

Application for use

If you are interested in the OTRS trouble ticket system, please complete the application form.

Important: In order to operate OTRS in your facility, it is essential that the facility manager is aware of and implements the service concept. Please confirm that he or she has been informed by submitting the application.

Application for an OTRS queue

Legal Matters


OTRS is used at the University of Cologne in consultation with the staff councils and the data protection officer. Regulations for the operation and use have been agreed, which can be viewed here:

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk